Friday, June 28, 2024

Ohio Road Trip

Joe and I got on the road at 5:20am this morning and arrived in Defiance, Ohio at 8:15pm (7:15pm Central Time). About ten minutes before we left the house in Saint Michael, while we were finishing our breakfast, the power went out in the southeast part of town. Fortunately, Joe had packed the car the night before as our plan was to wake up at 4:15am, eat breakfast, clean up from breakfast and be on the road by 5:00am.

We cleaned up the dishes by flashlight. Joe stood in the rain manually holding the garage door up until I could get the car out of the garage. It rained for the next four hours of our drive. Not a sprinkle – a deluge.

We took turns driving in two hour stretches to give us a chance to get out and move around. Lunch was subway sandwich and when we got into Defiance, we treated ourselves to dinner at Sweetwater Chop House where we had eaten a couple of times last year while visiting family in Ohio.

Now that we are all checked into the hotel, I am ready to go to sleep! Last night Joe and I both only slept about four hours. We were wide-awake at midnight.

Tomorrow is the 50th class reunion of my high school graduating class. We will stop by on our way to the reunion to visit my Aunt Sue and Uncle Dick as they cannot make it out to the State Dam on Sunday to see us. Uncle Dick is my dad’s last living sibling. I am looking forward to a quick visit with them.

For now, we are here in Ohio, safe and sound.

1 comment:

  1. See you at Iron Horse Saturday night!


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...