Saturday, June 15, 2024

Rain, Grandpuppy, and Landscaping Adviser


It has been raining off and on since around 10:30 am this morning. The forecast is for rain off and on until midnight. We have not experienced the “off” part yet as of 6:24pm. I caught a bit on video. Photos do not do the rain justice.

Megan came over this morning to begin removing the wallpaper in the half bathroom on the main level of our house. She is using a steamer on the walls. The goal is to get the room painted before our first overnight guests arrive next Thursday evening. The bathroom is small, and one would think it would all be easy. Apparently, it is not. I appreciate Megan tackling this job for me.

She brought Sylvie with her as she didn’t want to leave her in a crate all day. Sylvie hung out in the sunroom with me while Megan worked. Joe worked in the yard until the rain drove him into the house. I was the official “Sylvie sitter.” Sylvie is a border collie, and I am not sure she needs a sitter, but she does love having her belly rubbed!

Sylvie is in the “chewing” stage. At ten months old she will chew on all kinds of things that interest her. The wooden crate her water bowl is in, leashes, and especially tasty, were Grandma’s shoelaces. She has bone type toys to chew on; however, given the choice she chose the shoelaces.

Pan in the background protecting my shoe after Sylvie
ate the shoelaces.

The rain gives Joe an opportunity to catch up on watching YouTube videos on machining, welding, car repair, and other “how to” videos that strike his fancy. Tomorrow is forecast as a sunny Father’s Day. Joe will go back to working in the yard. He tells me he enjoys all of the manual labor, especially the exercise it provides. I could be out helping him except I would end up rolling around on the ground (in public) trying to get back on my feet. I currently function as Joe’s sounding board for his landscaping ideas.

Our landscaping conversations usually end up like this:

J: Can you come outside? I want to go over my idea(s) for this area (fill in the blank) of the yard.

B: Honey, I can come out, but you can do whatever makes you happy. I really don’t care.

J: It helps me to talk it out.

B: (Going out to the yard with J)

J: (Goes into a long (I mean loooonnnngggg) explanation of what he wants to do).

B: Wouldn’t you rather do this, this and this?

J: Yes, that sounds better.

Mind you, I did not have an opinion and did not care what he did UNTIL he told me what he wanted to do.

Sigh. Obviously, Joe Coehlo is a smart man and knows me better than I know myself.


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