Friday, June 14, 2024

Sunglasses for Dogs? Say What??

“… yesterday I saw a dog sticking his head out the window of a car and that dog was either wearing sunglasses or a sleep mask, I’m not sure which, but it was such an odd site and then it made me laugh and occurred to me that would be good title for one of your blogs. Right?”     - Part of a voice message from Elizabeth

“Oh no! Did I miss a blog post on this? is everything ok?”  - An email from another friend

There are days I wonder why I continue to write and post it to a blog. I play with the idea of writing everyday but only posting ‘really important stuff’ once a week. Unfortunately, as we all know I have NO IDEA of what is important to anyone else, and life is so breathtakingly beautiful that I constantly overshare in an effort to have other people get as excited as I am.

I am beginning to realize that in my retirement the blog serves as a function of connection for me. It is one way to send out into the universe a part of me that wants to have influence in the world. So even if someone reads it just to see if I might say something of interest to them, they are getting a bit of ‘Beth’ in their day. Wow! That sure sounds egotistical.

Maybe I should try to word that another way.

Let us try this:

I think the magic in life is “the ordinary.” The everyday living that we do can have moments that help us to feel connected to each other. Magic does not happen in a void. It has to have people (or other animals) to appreciate the wonder around us. Meanwhile, I know people who put their foot (it may or may not be their best foot, how can we judge how much effort other people are capable of in any given moment?) forward and try to live their life from a place of integrity and determination no matter what life has thrown their way.

Sometimes we need reminders that others think about us, care for us, are trying their best.

This blog, while a journal of sorts, is also an attempt to connect with people and remind them that there is magic in “the ordinary.” We can make our own magic. We can laugh at ourselves (not at others, which is just rude! Unless they give us permission, or you are the absolute best of friends).

And in the end if what I write makes you laugh or groan – for a moment we are connected.

Meanwhile I have discovered that you can purchase sunglasses for dogs at Amazon. Who knew?

May your day be full of magic! 

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