Wednesday, June 26, 2024

United Kingdom - International Meal for June

George and the Dragon sounds like it could be a chapter in a Harry Potter book. A pub in  the Lynnhurst neighborhood of Minneapolis, it was where we had our United Kingdom lunch today. Normally we eat our monthly international meal at dinner. With the grandkids out of school and Jeremy’s weekend officially on Tuesday and Wednesday, we decided to try lunch.

Our meal started with appetizers of breaded snap peas and pickles, cheese curds, and pretzel bread. For main entrees we went with a hamburger (Caleb), buttered noodles with fresh fruit (Charlotte), Salad with Salmon (Joe), crispy chicken sandwich (Megan), fish and chips (Jeremy) and braised beef with mashed potatoes and snap peas (me). The food was excellent! As usual we mostly shared food. I had just finished telling Megan that it was probably a good thing they did not serve dessert when the server asked us if we had room for dessert.

We settled on sharing chocolate chip cookies (they were more like scones in  thickness and texture), vanilla bean crème brûlée, and key lime pie.

We ate so much food that we decided to delay our snack tasting until next Wednesday. Joe and I are still so full we are skipping dinner.

Charlotte, Joe, and Jeremy won the monthly trivia contest. Joe and Jeremy graciously (okay, I did not give them a choice) let Charlotte have the winning star sticker. Which she promptly stuck on the middle of her forehead.

Plenty of food photos for the dear readers who enjoy food photos courtesy of Megan, Jeremy, and me.

cheese curds
pretzel bread with butter
fried pickles
fried snap peas

braised beef with mashed potatoes and snap peas

buttered noodles with fresh fruit
Crispy Chicken Sandwich with chips

fish and chips

Caleb enjoying his burger and chips
salad with salmon
This was one of four cookies - this one went home with Megan's family

vanilla bean crème brûlée
key lime pie

I had a lovely morning chat with my friend Jen. Her virtual visits are one of the highlights of my month. It was awesome to catch up with her!

The irrigation people came and worked in the yard all day. We now have a drip irrigation system on the sloped yard on the north side of the house, four new water spickets outside the house so Joe no longer needs to connect hoses that will go all of the way around the house, and a drip system on the front north of the yard. They will be back after the ash tree gets removed in July to finish updating the lawn sprinkler system.

While I was in the shower this morning, it dawned on me that the Karnes family needed a Facebook group page. Since I was the one with the idea, I created the page. Now I am hoping someone else will also be an administrator to maintain the page when I, as my friend Vinnie would say, “kick the bucket.” 

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