Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Feeling the Love

I spent the morning setting up medical accounts for Joe and me with a local clinic. The set-up was fairly easy when I got a delightful woman from Allina Health on the phone. The more complex part was setting up the online “My Record” accounts and linking/sharing from our old clinic “My Record” accounts.

The day got better though when I did a virtual chat with my cousin, Eleanor. I got to hear all about her trip to Kansas to visit her youngest son and his wife. She enjoys her trips. I was amazed at her restraint though as her son lives directly across the street from an ice cream stand. She said she managed to only go twice in twelve days. I would have gone twelve times every two days…

Megan, Jeremy, and the kids went to visit Jeremy’s family today, so Joe and I ran up to Rockford this afternoon to let Sylvie and Pan out to go to the bathroom. Sylvie has to stay in her crate when the family is away as she still likes to chew on stuff. We stayed for about 45 minutes to give her and Pan a bit of  playtime. The dogs love Joe! He had been working in the yard all day and so it was a treat for him to lay down on the floor and tumble around with the dogs.

Joe said it was comfortable on the floor.

One of our neighbor teens, he will be a junior in high school in the fall, offered to help Joe with the yard. He is going to come tomorrow, and Joe will have him help put together a cabinet and the raised garden beds. He can also help carry the raised beds to their final destination.

Another lovely day with a high of 72 degrees. The humidity was only fifty-five percent, which meant the air did not feel heavy.

Tomorrow morning, I am taking the grandkids to see Despicable Me 4 and out to lunch (they will most likely want McDonalds, but I will give them other choices). Megan does volunteer work on Thursdays which means I get time with my sweethearts. Here are the texts I got from Charlotte today: 

She sent the love you first. I sent the OMG.

She sent the AW... I sent the MUA!

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