Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Warning! (Political Blog)

Well, I blew up my own Facebook page by coming out in support of Kalama Harris as a candidate for president. I don’t normally talk politics as my mama used to say, “There are three things you never talk about in public, politics, sex, and religion.”

I recognize that people have strong feelings about these topics. So, I usually avoid public declarations so as not to offend people. At this point, I don’t care about offending. The Republicans have put forth a candidate that has no desire to be the next president of the United States for a four-year term. He wants to destroy democracy. So, I have had to ask myself, am I willing to put my beliefs on the line in favor of democracy or do I want to “let someone else worry” about the problem and stand meekly by on the sidelines.

Thus, whether you agree with me or not, I am going to urge people to educate themselves (FOX news and X do not qualify as unbiased news) on the issues and decide which agenda they think serves the United States of America they want to live in going forward. I expect even within party affiliations that may differ among voters.

I know what type of country I want to live in and frankly it is not one ran by white men who are afraid of women, people of color, and well, anyone who is not just like them. I want to live in a country where I will still have the opportunity to vote for President every four years, I want to live in a country with public education available to all. I could go on and on (LGTBQA+ rights, religious freedom, pro-choice, etc.) but I think my readers will get the gist of what I am writing.

I respect people not for their political beliefs, though frankly that is sometimes hard when I see people complain about government intervention into their lives but then they are using the system to support themselves. If you are a decent and kind human being that counts for more than your political affiliation. So bottom line, you are not going to change my ‘liberalness’ and I am not going to change anyone else’s mind about their political beliefs. So ,we will agree to disagree, and I will expect you to be respectful of me as I will be respectful of you.

We will call out behaviors that trouble us, we will not name call. That’s my big rule. I took a logic class in college that taught me when someone starts name calling, they are not having a discussion – they are only using false narratives to support their views.

I was going to promise that I would not write any more about politics until after the election. Then realized I can’t do that, either. I care deeply about the future of our country and will not be silenced by the idea that I might offend others. I plan to be civil. 

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