Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Art of the Deal

Protests get results. Across the globe, people have been boycotting and staging demonstrations at Tesla dealerships to make it crystal clear just how much they loathe Musk and his number-one penny pincher. And guess what? The stock took a hit. In response, PINO decided the White House lawn would make a fantastic pop-up car lot. Well played, world! (*Peaceful protesting only—no room for destroying property belonging to others here.)

Meanwhile, I have to wonder how the fired federal workers feel about the White House rushing to comfort Musk in his time of need. Hard to muster much sympathy for the billionaire boy.

Speaking of curious choices, PINO allegedly bought a Tesla with his own money for White House staff to use. The exact price? A mystery. The Model S he purchased runs between $59,000 and $92,000, depending on how many fancy extras he sprang for. Some sources say he shelled out $80,000, while others claim it was closer to $90,000. Either way, one thing is certain—the Model S has racked up 37 recalls so far. Looks like White House staffers won’t just be driving it, they’ll be chauffeuring it back to the dealership on a regular basis.

Ahhh. ... the art of the deal.

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The Art of the Deal

Protests get results. Across the globe, people have been boycotting and staging demonstrations at Tesla dealerships to make it crystal clear...