Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Bucket List

The meme above has inspired me to think about what I would write on a bucket list. I suspect it may take time to flesh one out.

Here is what I would put on it today:

  •      Travel within the United States to visit friends and family without a tight timeline. I want to meander!

o   See New York City.

o   Visit Maine.

o   Take Joe to see Laurel Mountain area of Pennsylvania.

o   Visit National Parks

o   Sit on Elizabeth’s patio in the morning (Gilbert, AZ) and listen to the quiet.

o   Spend time with amazing friends like Anne, Marjorie, Linda, and others who can be available to us.

o   Spend time with my nieces and nephews while I can still travel to them.

  •  Alaskan Cruise
  • Meet Heather Cox Richardson.
  • Visit Italy

What would have been on an old bucket list (These are situations that were important to me and I can mark off as accomplished:

·         Go to college.

·         Have a fulfilling career.

·         Have children.

·         Become a grandparent.

·         Live in another country (Egypt).

·         Retire

·         Stay in a 5 Star Resort (Egypt for a week on the Red Sea).

·         Take a hot air balloon ride.

·         Soaring (Sailplanes)

·         Spend time with friends.

There is something to be said for Bucket lists. The completed list becomes a gratitude list for all that I have been fortunate to do. The To-Do list is a reminder of good things to come.

Do you have a bucket list? Do you share it with others?

1 comment:

  1. Next time we chat, I want to hear about the hot air balloon ride! I didn’t know you had that experience.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...