Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Gift of Time

I love this Peanuts cartoon. It makes me laugh out loud because Snoopy’s exuberance captures how I feel about retirement life.

After my first full month of retirement here is what I LOVE about my life right now:

  1. Unlimited time with Joe Coehlo. Time when I feel refreshed and relaxed instead of on work mornings when I was thinking ahead to my day or at the end of the day when I was exhausted.
  2. Stopping to take a break whenever I want as long as I want without a need to meet a deadline or serve someone else’s schedule.
  3. Choosing what I want to do each day when I want to do it. I need to dust – I can dust at 7:00 am or 1:00 pm on any day of the week I want to dust (I NEVER want to dust but it needs to get done). I can spread my cleaning chores out over the day or the week without feeling in a rush.
  4. Staying up as late as I like without worrying if I am getting enough sleep because I can get up anytime the next morning that I want to. So what if I seem to want to get up between 6am and 7am – I can take a nap if I feel sleepy during the day.
  5. Spending time with people I enjoy for as long as I like without having to go to or back to work at a certain time.
  6. Dealing with only my own life stuff.
  7. Not having to keep up with whoever has COVID-19 in the workplace and asking all of the questions associated with it to keep other people (employees) as safe as possible.
  8. Sorting through belongings and finding new homes for them for as long as I like on any given day. I was worried I’d not have enough time to get ready for our move, but I am way ahead of the curve.
  9. I feel rested. Now I know when I am tired. I was always tired the last few years (March 2020-December 2022) when I was working so I just assumed that was my age. It wasn’t age. It was me overdoing it.
  10. I cook now. Joe did most of the cooking over the years. Now it’s easy for me to whip something up. I have time.

In a nutshell – I love this gift of time!

Yes, Lucy. I am that happy.

1 comment:

  1. I can see how happy you are! I rejoice with you! - Sarah


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