Thursday, February 9, 2023

Be Kind to Past Versions of Yourself

 This meme resonated with me. I have few regrets about decisions or experiences over the years. I think regrets can be a waste of time and energy. That’s not to say I haven’t analyzed the crap out of a decision or a conversation after the fact. Just that I try to look at my behaviors and attitudes and learn from my mistakes. Then I move on and hope like heck I don’t make the same mistake again.

Sometimes though it has taken me years before I realize that I acted from a place of ignorance. I know I have said things that were totally misinformed. I think specifically about times when I’ve known someone was in the throes of depression or anxiety and I just did not understand why my pollyannish sound bites did not move them to make a change. Yeah, I’ve been that person. For anyone on the receiving end – I am terribly sorry.

Which I guess is another reason it’s none of my business what someone else thinks of me. I need to work on being the person I want to be – not what someone else wants me to be.

To the past versions of myself – I forgive your ignorance and am glad you are turning out to be the person you are now. It’s a journey.

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