Thursday, February 23, 2023



Today I enjoyed lunch with a person I have been friends with on Facebook for many years. I always follow KCW‘s posts and appreciate her commitment to her faith and the joy she expresses on her mini-trips around California with her husband. We decided to meet up in person for some one on one time before Joe and I move to Minnesota. In addition to KCW’s introducing me to Las Milpas (yes, their flan is the best I’ve tasted in Woodland!), it was a joy to be in her space.

I left lunch today committed to keeping in touch with this kind and wise woman. I appreciated her vulnerability in sharing parts of her life stories with me. Talking with her felt like sitting down with someone I have known for decades. I certainly feel blessed to have had this time with her.

We chatted about why it took us so long to actually get together face-to-face. Maybe one unexpected gift of this move is that we felt compelled to take the time to connect. Yesterday, I wrote about re-connecting. Today I realized I am strongly compelled to have face time (in-person or virtual) with people I care about while I can.

Connection is important to me. One reason is because it helps me to confirm my belief that most people are good people just trying to come to terms with events in their day-to-day lives. When we are so busy with our own lives, it is easy to lose sight of the good in the world when we are inundated with the ‘noise’ of the news, the demands of our jobs, and the needs of our own families. Taking a pause with a friend over a glass of wine or a meal is the perfect time to be present in the moment and to reflect on what really matters. We matter. The gifts we each bring to the universe matter. Sharing goodwill matters.

I got to top off my day with a spur of the moment invitation to dinner out with Kim and Sarah. More connection time. So, while it may have rained (sprinkled) here for a little bit today, I was showered with an abundance of connection time in between my kitchen packing. I feel grateful.

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