Monday, February 6, 2023

Niece Time

This Becca Lee poem resonates with me as it reminds me of my daughter, Megan, and my Karnes nieces Renee, Courtney, Jami, and Caity. They may argue that they are not ‘completely unapologetic.’

Two of my Karnes nieces – Renee and Courtney - joined me for a virtual chat this afternoon. As this nosy aunt delved into what they are doing these days,  I loved how openly they answered when they could have simply said, “Really, Aunt Beth?  That is none of your business.”

But they didn’t. They answered my probing questions with an openness and a vulnerability I would never have had with my own aunts. With them living in Ohio and me in California, I was only around them maybe once or twice a year, for a few days at most, since they were born. I feel I’ve really only developed a relationship with my nieces now that they are adults. One of the reasons I am excited for our move to Minnesota is that I will be within a day’s drive of them.

For an hour today we talked about how their parents are doing (their dads are my brothers), how their own lives are going (busy!), sharing Netflix accounts (in response to a poem Courtney wrote on Instagram) and so much more. Since Renee does not do Instagram, I read aloud Courtney’s poem, and Courtney updated us on the status of her Netflix account. None of us know for certain what we want to be when we grow up. Meanwhile Renee is doing her lawyer thing and Courtney does her accounting thing. Courtney also home schools her four children ranging in ages from thirteen to three.  

Renee wanted to hear about the hot air balloon ride I mentioned in an earlier blog post.  I shared how once was enough for me. I had a fear that I would fall over the side of the basket. That led to a discussion of the scariest (i.e., maybe stupidest) thing we ever did. Fortunately, the universe and God looked out for us.

Renee, Courtney, and I share birth order. We are the first child in each of our families. Courtney and I like spreadsheets for planning trips because we want to know our budget. Renee uses Microsoft Word and a calculator to plan the details of a trip and her budget. All three of us like to write (as do my other nieces). We all like things around us to be orderly.

I loved my time with my nieces. They are amazing women, each in her own right, as they make their way over, through, and around whatever life throws at them. Today they delivered pure joy to my day. I probably should be a bit apologetic though for asking some of the questions I asked…


  1. ♥️ love our chats - Renee

  2. I was so glad to join! And I love this poem 🖤 -Courtney


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...