Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Darn Cat

Alto (aged 13 years) inside of a moving box - because she can

The last couple of days I have been feeling a bit out of sorts about leaving our cat behind during our road trip and move to Minnesota. Except Alto is not our cat. She was Megan’s cat since adopted in July 2010. Alto stayed behind to live with Joe and me when Megan moved to Minnesota two years ago. A Minnesota family member is allergic to cats. Now here we are planning to move, and Alto cannot travel with Joe and I around the country. Then we will be staying with Megan’s family for a while once we get to Minnesota.

This all means Alto will have a new human caretaker in the house she’s lived in for a while as a kitten and then again for the past two years. Fortunately, our friend - Kim, likes Alto and Alto likes her. We have an amazing cat-friendly backyard that attracts a lot of birds and bugs to chase. Kim has two other cats so Alto will have company.

While we are packing Alto climbs in the boxes and gives me an evil eye look when I pull her out. I am convinced she knows what all of the boxes mean, I fear we are traumatizing her. Joe and I had opted out of pets as the kids left home. At one time we had three kids, three cats, a dog, a rabbit, and a couple of fish ALL AT THE SAME TIME. As each pet crossed the rainbow bridge, we made the conscious decision not to get a replacement pet.

A year ago someone offered to take Alto and raise her with their other cat and dog. At first I was very excited but as the time grew nearer I decided Alto needed to stay here where she could roam the backyard (except when it's raining or too cold) to her heart’s content. At one point a neighbor asked Joe if Alto was getting enough attention from us since she was outside so much and was not friendly toward the neighbor. This cracked me up. The problem must be us because our cat didn't like them.

When we have company Alto either likes the person right away or has nothing to do with them. Our dear friend, Babak loves to pick Alto up. Alto does not like to be picked up by anyone. Still she lets him hold her for a few minutes before she escapes. When people come to visit she likes to rub against their legs  or she will sit by the sliding glass door to the backyard until one of our guests lets her out. She has all of us trained.

Alto annoys the crap out of me most days. She rubs up against me for pets and then bites me when she’s finished. Telling her, “We don’t bite grandma” has not worked on her at all. She also likes to lay on top of me while I am sleeping. Preferably with her tail in my face. She turns her nose up at certain foods. Wants to be let outside and then right back in. Has let us know she does not like the rain and expects us to have it stop. She can be very vocal when she does not get her way. There are several cats from the neighborhood who like to sit on the back step and taunt Alto when she is inside. After two or three minutes this produces a god-awful yowling sound from Alto. Joe will usually open the door and the offending cat will take off in a mad dash. Alto will lick her paw, leave the room, find a cozy spot and take a nap now that the yard is clear of other felines. She is bossy.

So why do I feel sad about leaving her behind?

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