Monday, June 26, 2023

Friends in Swanton (Road Trip Day 90)

It rained off and on today. For the most part we stayed at the cottage resting. Joe read while I watched Netflix.

In the afternoon we drove to Swanton, Ohio to visit my former co-workers Becky, Dane, and Dan. We worked together for 4 years before I left to work for Hygiea in February 2015. It was a treat to see them and catch up. Late last year the former primary owner of the company they work with had told me the company was in the process of changing hands – he was turning the company over to the employees. I was happy to hear this!

I am so pleased for Becky, Dane, and Dan as they are all committed to the success of the company – even before they owned a part of it!

Visiting with them this evening reminded my once again that people can work together and be friends. I know that conventional wisdom is to not mix business and friendship – I think that is a way to dehumanize people in the workplace. Most people spend forty or more hours a week together in the workplace. It sure helps if they can respect and like each other.

Anyway, we talked and talked and talked - I was so happy to have been in their space!

I did not take pictures. I forgot as I was so caught up in the moment. I am going to download a photo of each of them from the internet. I want everyone to see what friendship looks like!



My heart is happy.

1 comment:

  1. It was such a great time! Love catching up with you and loved hearing about your adventures. ❤️ - Dane


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