Thursday, June 1, 2023

Pennsylvania (Road trip Day 65)

 We made our way to Altoona today to visit our friend Anne and her daughter, Becca. We have talked nonstop since arriving at their home this afternoon. Anne and I met about thirteen years ago on an online forum. 

I admire Anne deeply for her work as a professor teaching teachers how to effectively teach children with special needs. Listening to her share her enthusiasm for teaching and life in general makes my heart smile. She is a soul and heart sister.

I enjoyed spending a few hours this evening with Becca talking about her marketing and client support work in the real estate business. 

We will be here for the next 5 nights.

In other news - Around 10:00 am this morning, as Joe was getting out of the car, he felt a pain in the lower left of his back. He rated the pain with any type of movement as an 8. I drove to Altoona where we were able to get an emergency appointment with a chiropractor. The diagnosis was muscle spasm. A few adjustments and an ultrasound treatment and Joe feels better. The tissue is a bit sore; however, the level 8 pain each time he moves is gone. We have another appointment tomorrow morning with the chiropractor.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no not the back! I pray that he is doing better.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...