Monday, July 3, 2023

Getting Settled in Rockford, Minnesota (Day 2)

This was my morning view from Megan's kitchen table during breakfast this morning. It was a treat!

Mid-morning, we headed to Costco in Maple Grove, about 25 minutes away. At 10:00 am it was crowded with 4th of July shoppers. It was so crowded that I, the most extroverted of Joe, Megan, and me, was melting down. I had gotten a motorized scooter with a basket as we planned a thorough walk through, and I wasn’t sure I could handle walking for an hour. Costco does not have benches or places to sit throughout the store. The scooter had one speed – SLOW! People were three and four deep in the aisles, people parking their carts sideways, people having their children ‘experience shopping’ by having the children take things off the shelves – right in my pathway. I was invisible! People were angling their carts in front of me as I went and then I had to wait as two or three groups would go through. I could not picture myself ramming someone who walked in front of me!! Joe and Megan were admonishing me to be more aggressive (like the ‘walking’ people were) and I could not bring myself to do it. Lesson learned. No more Costco motorized scooters for me.

Then we headed to Hy-Vee for more groceries.  Megan ran into a pet store (Chuck and Don’s) and into Target and then we were once more on our way home. I now have the shopping routine down. The town of Rockford has a Dollar Store and a Kwik Stop for emergency groceries and a thrift store I will check out for vases and planters next week.

After our shopping trip and a quick lunch, I took a nap that lasted a few hours. I think it will take some time before I feel thoroughly rested. I am trying to give myself grace about how tired I am feeling and not resist or fight taking a nap when I am tired.

We are getting closer to having our living space set up. Our new Futon and Pantry Cabinet arrives Thursday. Jeremy’s (my daughter’s partner) sister is bringing us her used refrigerator this Saturday when they visit for a family lunch. She lives in Wisconsin, and I have been looking forward to meeting her and her family.

Late this afternoon, Joe and Megan hung artwork. Here is a preview of one wall that will be a walk-through area from our kitchen area to our exercise/work-out area to our living room/sitting area. I like open spaces with small areas for sitting and connecting. By early next week we should have everything in place.

Tomorrow we will be hanging curtains, unpacking, and putting away two boxes of everyday stuff we plan to use.

It is time to get ready for a late dinner! 

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