Thursday, August 24, 2023

Bad Attitude in the Cul-De-Sac

Quiet day of reading and puttering around the house. One advantage to puttering is that I get in steps without thinking about the effort it takes. Whether it’s washing and drying dishes or cooking – it is all movement I was not getting while working in my last job.

Joe and the dogs walked with me this morning since Megan is out of town. It was one of my roughest walks. I told Joe – no more dogs as they mess with my pace. It’s one thing when it’s Rufio, who is old like me, walking with Megan and me. Joe was trying to wrestle both dogs, Pan was so excited because it’s a different route than Grandpa Joe takes him every morning and every evening. I walked Rufio so Joe could concentrate on working with Pan. Two little kids were careening out of their garage on tricycles into the street as we were walking so, I was trying to gauge my steps not to run into or get run over by them. Then the people who lived in the same house came out and got into their car and sat for three or four minutes so I wasn’t sure if they were backing out or just hanging out in their car (don’t worry the little ones were in the car with them at this point). We are walking in a cul-de-sac, so I am not sure if the driver was waiting for me to pass their driveway the first time or when we passed their driveway leaving the cul-de-sac.

I was stressed beyond belief. I am beginning to understand why old people get grumpy. Okay, maybe I am only understanding why this old person is grumpy. It’s not like I think the world revolves around me. I know it doesn’t. It’s just that it sometimes feels like people are not aware of their surroundings and the impact it has on other people. People in grocery stores who block aisles are a particularly sore spot with me. Also, walking so I don’t injure myself is important, so I am trying to set a pace that gets my heart rate up while not hurting myself. When I end up out of my rhythm, I just HATE the walk. I can’t hate the walk because I want to do it every morning.

Before someone recommends a different route. Know that the neighborhood is hilly, and this route is one I can comfortably do at this point. My hope is that by winter I can take the longer walk-up hill. Yes, some parts of the neighborhood are downhill. I could only walk the downhill part and then send for an Uber to take me home…

Okay, I think my crankiness may be worked through for now. Aren’t you glad I shared? I have so much to be thankful for and am grateful that you read this far into the blog. Is there anything that makes YOU cranky, even while you know you may be acting unreasonable about it?

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