Friday, August 25, 2023

Better Skies

Megan, Rufio, Charlotte, and I walked in the cul-de-sac. There were no other people out at 9:15 am which made for less hassle. Today’s walk went better!

I started Season 3 of Ted Lasso. I have developed a habit while watching Ted Lasso that I have not had in the past. During some scenes I feel anxious. I find myself stopping the video and googling the outcome. In my mind I know that just watching the show will give me the answer. I want an answer now. As soon as I know the answer, I am fine with it and continue watching the show. It is usually around relationships. Does Sam and Rebecca’s relationship survive? How about Keeley and Roy? Do Ted and Rebecca get involved in a romantic relationship? Does Nate EVER repent of his wicked ways?

It's not like I’m vested in a specific outcome. I know I can’t re-write the script. I am curious if other people do the same thing with Ted Lasso or with any other show. I recently watched Good Omens and did not Google for answers. Good Omens is one of my favorite series.

We had a sudden storm this afternoon. Joe was out weeding when it began. It knocked out the internet service for an hour. Fortunately, the rain didn’t last long. We headed over to Menard’s in Buffalo to pick up some lawn seed and fertilizer after the storm. I took two photos from the parking lot area because I thought the sky looked so darn amazing. I love the Minnesota sky in our area! Combine the skies with the greenery and I am so in love with the landscape. I loved California. I find I can love Minnesota as well.

1 comment:

  1. I do that too, sometimes. Knowing ahead of time what happens in a show (movie or book too) keeps the anxiety down. Why do I get anxious about things like that? I have no idea.


Words Matter

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