Saturday, August 26, 2023


This happened today.

I will complete getting on Rockford’s sub-list with the idea that I will be available after October 1, 2023. We will be on a trip to Bend, Oregon and Woodland, California from September 12th through September 30th.  We will be “on the road again” driving to make our visits. We had to set aside 5 days each way, so we won’t arrive exhausted.

For years I have been in search of ‘the pillow’ that works well for me. I may have found it! It was only one-night, last night; however, I woke up this morning and my neck and shoulders feel relaxed. I bent over to pick up my shoes and I had more flexibility than I’ve had in years. It could be the daily walks, but I’ve not experienced this kind of flexibility from past walk timeframes. The walks are certainly contributing to better sleep overall.

I walked the cul-de-sac by myself this morning as Megan had a Girl Scout function and Joe had just come back from a double lap of the development with Pan. It worked out fine. I can see progress in both time and stride length. When I think I might want to skip hitting a daily goal, I remind myself that each step is a step for long term health benefits. I need the pep talks I give myself!

Yesterday we stopped at the Friday marketplace in Rockford. We visited it last September while visiting.  Only one of the vendors with displays are offering farmed goods so I hesitate to call it a Farmer’s Market. Since Jeremy works for a produce company, it is rare we need to buy vegetables. We bought a loaf of sourdough bread from a new vendor. She lives in Buffalo and plans to sell it from her home when the marketplace closes for the winter in mid-September. We bought cheddar jalapeno sourdough and OMG it is amazing.  She has both savory and sweet sourdough breads. I had never run into sweet sourdough. Next Friday I plan to get her apple cinnamon. I can imagine it as a great French toast treat for all of us. Okay… and as a treat simply slathered in butter.

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