Friday, August 4, 2023

Dog Breed Bingo

Last night I played Dog Breed Bingo with Megan, Jeremy, Caleb, and Charlotte. I won! The game has 64 breeds from around the world. Some of the names are real tongue twisters. Great practice for all of us on trying to pronounce names like Appenzeller Sennenhund or Azawakh. On one occasion, Megan even Googled for a pronunciation. After I won, we kept playing on the same boards to see who could win next. We kept going until someone had their entire card filled first. Caleb ended up winning that round.

                                                                  Available on Amazon

It was the perfect game for my competitive personality. No strategy necessary to engage my competitiveness.

My husband just invited me to go out for a drink. Something we have not done in forever. So I am going to go get ready for an evening out with my sweet husband.

P.S. I am in the midst of binge-watching Season 1 of Ted Lasso on Apple TV. WOW! I am absolutely loving it.

1 comment:

  1. I think I have to check dog breed bingo out!


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