Friday, September 1, 2023

Day 244 of Retirement

This is day 244 of my retirement! I have moments when I want to find something more to do and other days, like yesterday after completing the substitute teaching paperwork, when I am perfectly happy with life just the way it is. It takes practice to relax into each day and enjoy life as it is. A part of me realizes this is what we worked for in our life - the opportunity to retire and be healthy to enjoy retirement life. Another part of me thinks it is a waste of my resources (work habits, skill set) to not be in the workforce even on a part-time basis. 

Did my daily cul-de-sac walk alone this morning and then challenged myself to take at least one hundred steps up the street - it is a steep slope up so figured I could always roll down the hill if I were too tired. I did exactly one hundred steps and then came back. No rolling required. This is not the only walk I do during the day. Each day I try to add one hundred steps to the goal of the day before. Today the goal is 4600 steps. I have consistently exceeded my daily goal this week; however, I am trying to stay realistic about what my body is capable of accomplishing without injury.

The rest of the day I took care of financial matters, finished Season 1 of Bad Sisters (Apple TV), and started reading a new book. I also tidied up a bit. Fortunately, Joe and I both clean up after ourselves so it is never a big chore to keep our flat clean.

Eleven more days until we leave for our road trip to Bend, Oregon and Woodland, California. I am excited, I have been concerned that I would not be ready (emotionally) to travel again so soon. The allure of seeing friends makes it feel doable. 

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