Saturday, September 2, 2023

Technology Challenged Day

Watched Drops of God on Apple TV for a bit today. I like wine, and I like movies and shows about wine. This show is much more than about wine! The storyline is intriguing. An estranged and wealthy (winemaker) father leaves a test for his daughter and one of his students. The winner ends up with an inheritance. She is not interested in the money so much as in discovering more about herself and her father. The test is in identifying a wine, including the year it was bottled, from the color, smell, and taste. 

Today was my "Messing with Technology Day." I spent time trying to figure out why my printer stopped working on the household network. After 2 hours of troubleshooting, I have decided the printer is getting connected via USB to my laptop tomorrow. It requires finding the cable, moving the printer, and connecting. That should only take 15 minutes!

My daily walk was a bit later than usual this morning as I was tackling updating my apple watch (Three hours!!! GRRRRR!!!), I hadn't used my iWatch since late March as it was too much trying to keep it charged during our road trip. My phone had to stay next to my watch and the watch had to be on its charger. I stuck with it thinking surely it would finish any moment. HAHAHAHA. 

I also spent an hour with our new medical insurance program that gives us free access to AARP Staying Sharp program. I set mine up from my laptop, no problem. I then used Joe's phone to set him up with his own account and after I was all done it listed him as Beth on the screen. When I tried to reset the name to Joe Coehlo, I got a message that it was already Joe Coehlo. But of course, it still read Beth. I think there must have been lots of solar flare activity...

Other than the technology snafus, I am feeling terrific these days. The increased activity has resulted in more energy throughout the day. Energy I obviously need to deal with technology...



  1. Love it! Definitely have had that frustration with technology. Sounds like you are settling in. ❤️

    1. We are getting settled in quite nicely. My pritner not so much...

  2. Years ago after taking a trip across country we decided to buy a laptop from Best Buy to take to our next trip to Montana. We couldn't get it to connect to wifi in Idaho and the young girl at the desk said she didn't know ANYTHING about computers or wifi then again in a Montana Motel The clerk there couldn't help,so we called a grandson to have him help and he said we were doing the right things ,but no0thihng worked. Our tech savvy friend tried everything she could too,but nope!!. When we got back home that computer went straight to Best Buy!! The clerk fiddled and fiddled then turned it on.

    1. Nothing more frustrating than technology at times! My laptop had been working just fine with using the printer on wifi until yesterday. I did some computer updates and wondering if that threw a wrench into the works. Glad to hear Best Buy fiddled around and fixed your issue.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...