Sunday, September 3, 2023

Sunday Goals = Nothing

I limited my technology today to watching Apple TV. Hey, it's Sunday. Even though in retirement I have more Sundays in a week. Growing up, Sunday was a day of rest. No chores, family time. My parents worked in factories. My dad worked day shift, my mom third shift while I was in high school. Mom was home in time to make sure we got ready for school and on the bus. Sunday was an important day of rest in our family and a way to get ready for Monday and the work week.

Sunday was also the day my aunt Doris and uncle Russ would quickly visit on their way back from their place at the lake. It was usually around dinner time. We would eat egg salad sandwiches and potato chips because it was an inexpensive way to feed four adults and eight children. To this day, when I think of Sunday summer dinner it feels like it should be egg salad sandwiches and potato chips. 

Not that I ever fix egg salad sandwiches for dinner. 

I walked the cul-de-sac alone this morning. It was the first time I did the walk without stopping to rest. I kept powering through to see how far I could get. And I got all the way back to the front porch! My next goal is to be able to add a second lap to the cul-de-sac morning walk. I think that will happen after we get back from California at the end of September. 

Joe walked into town today to buy milk. There is a Kwik Trip about a mile away that he wanted to check out. On his walk he met a woman in front of the Masonic Hall we have driven by numerous times. Come to find out the hall is in the basement and there is a restaurant on the ground floor. The restaurant name is in small letters, so we were unaware it existed. The woman told Joe she really likes the restaurant and eats there frequently. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner and are open seven days a week. Megan and Jeremy have never tried it. My goal is to check it out this week for breakfast. It would be lovely to have someplace to eat at, other than the Mexican restaurant, right here in town.

I am going back to my Sunday resting.


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