Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Clean BIll of Health

Today was our first ever Medicare Wellness checkup. Joe and I met with the physician’s assistant (PA) and had a complete blood count (CBC) test. Both of us got our CBC results within about 6 hours and all our results are within normal range on all tests. The CBC was a non-fasting so the PA would have a baseline for our records on what our “normal’ lifestyle results look like.

We got a clean bill of health for today. My blood pressure, since retiring, has been very good. This confirms my belief that retirement was an excellent choice. I believe some stress is good for us – everything in moderation. I am grateful for meditation and breathing exercises that I do when I have occasional stress. The stress I was putting myself under before retirement was not healthy!

After our doctor’s visit we headed over to Subaru in Brooklyn Park to order our snow tires and wheels. We stopped by Dick’s and REI looking for mink oil for Joe’s new winter boots with no luck. I ended up ordering from Amazon. Then we stopped at Costco for our weekly shopping and to gas up the car. 

Gas is $3.25/gallon this week. The last time it was low was on July 18th when it was at $3.20/gallon. It has been costing between $3.40 and $4.10 when we've gone to fill up. The savings will help pay our co-pay on our hearing aids.

Yesterday, I cut back on my stretching exercises and found that my leg/hip feels better today. I walked through Costco without experiencing pain. I like when that happens – the no pain part.

Joe is out for his daily five mile walk with Pan. I am chilling with Ghost Whisperer Season 2 Episodes -17 through 20. I have found I enjoy binge watching series better if I only watch 3 or 4 max and then go off to watch a different series. Otherwise, the continual intensity makes me lose interest.

Not a lot happening here and I really, really like it that way!

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