Monday, October 16, 2023

I Hear You! (Or I Will As Soon As My Hearing Aids Arrive)

Joe and I went for comprehensive hearing tests today. Our Medicare plan encourages annual auditory, dental, eye, and wellness checks. Since we are new to the area, we wanted to establish a relationship with providers before we need to see someone in an emergency.

So yeah, we had hearing tests. Based on our answers during the interview phase, the audiologist expected Joe’s hearing to need the most help. Who knew? My hearing tested worse than Joe’s hearing in the lower ranges. I had to concentrate hard during the hearing test. I was worn out by the time the 30-minute test was over. I mean physically wrung out. I knew I had struggled with hearing during COVID since everyone I worked with wore masks, add to that the tone of the speaker’s voice and I had difficulty. I was asking people to repeat themselves a lot and I was rephrasing to make sure I had the correct information. It seems that if one is concentrating and hyper-focused during hearing it can wear the body down.

All this time I thought it was the emotional needs of my co-workers during COVID that was draining me. Pretty certain that played a part. It’s also possible it was compounded by how hard I was working at listening for understanding.

This situation also makes me wonder if the times I walked away from someone feeling drained, I was in fact tired from listening for context and understanding. In other words, it was not their energy draining my energy. It was my concentration on listening and hearing that were draining me.

Our insurance covers most of the hearing aid costs so it seems like a good time to get onboard. I am also grateful that technology has improved since my uncle and father-in-law purchased and wore the hearing aids. Chances are nobody will ever know I am wearing mine as my hair will cover them. The hearing aid we are getting is small and is classified as receiver in the ear. Also, the batteries can be charged (like my iPhone) nightly in about three hours and the battery will last up to sixteen hours a day. I also like that I can control the volume and other features with my phone and not try to adjust them manually while wearing them.

Both my uncle and father-in-law were changing hearing aid batteries every couple of days. Each time there was more chance that they would drop them (and they did). My uncle gave up on wearing his within a year because they were more trouble for him than not understanding what others were saying. Then there was the whole part where he wasn’t really interested in talking to anyone. Joe and I like visiting with people – it is important for us to hear what is being said.

Looking forward to hearing Charlotte’s soft voice better. Meanwhile, all the folks who have found themselves shouting so I can hear them – you are going to have to start talking in your indoor voice… 

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