Wednesday, October 18, 2023

I Can See Clearly Now

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees, and toes.
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

A popular exercise song from childhood days, turns out to take on new meaning in our senior years.

Since last week we have covered the mouth (dental appts); shoulders, knees, and toes (chiropractor); ears (audiologist), head, knees, and toes (medical). No one has asked about my nose, so far.

Today we did eye exams. Both Joe and I had changes in our prescriptions. The Buffalo Eye Clinic doctor and the optician we saw were both excellent. The optician, Shannon, was a delight to work with on selecting my new glasses. While we were waiting for Joe’s eye exam to finish, Shannon and I spent time chatting.

We chatted about the town she lives in, Annandale, which is about 29 minutes from Rockford and is famous for having twenty-six lakes in a ten-mile radius. The town with a population of around 3,200 people works for her. Shannon moved from Colorado (less than one hundred people in the community she lived in) to Minnesota at age eleven. I am especially looking forward to checking out a restaurant/ haunted hotel she told me about – The Thayer. Both the hotel and the restaurant are on my list of “things to do” this next year.

The conversation with Shannon was enjoyable. She openly shared about her life. Her authenticity shines through. Frankly, given that her twenty-four-year-old son died three months ago, her light shines brightly. Her energy is positive. It does not come across as an act, though I would never fault her for putting on a ‘positive face’ at work. She told me that both friends and co-workers have provided amazing support.

Visiting, with Shannon was a treat for me. Thank you, universe for the 'heart to heart' visit with Shannon.

Megan and Jeremy are outside decorating for Halloween. Caleb and Charlotte are out of school for the rest of the week. Today is teacher training day and Thursday and Friday are a fall school break. When I asked Charlotte if she liked having a long weekend, she informed me, “I like home better. You can learn more things at home. You don’t need a school to learn.” She then went on to share, “Some babies are born already knowing everything,” I was surprised to learn this and really had no argument to present. It makes me curious how seven-year-old brains work…

I always enjoy my conversations with Charlotte. She is growing bolder in her approach to me. I have been letting her have the space as she needs to make a connection. Joe connects with both Charlotte and Caleb with the board games. Caleb and I connected within days of meeting on one of my first trips here. He is an extrovert, the oldest child, articulate, intelligent, and an avid hug giver.

Charlotte is more reserved. I think she may be an ambivert (introvert and extrovert). She is shy. She is very bright and funny. Last week at dinner I asked her if she enjoyed a trip she took with Caleb and his mom for boy scouts. Charlotte’s response, “I’d rather talk about my day at school.” That should have clued me in as to her thoughts about the boy scout trip (they had an overnight stay in a docked submarine).

I feel blessed to have this time with them. Before we know it, they are going to be grown and too busy to have time for us. This is why it is important to me to live in the moment.



  1. Thank you Beth for everything. Our conversation was more than comfortable for me. Sharing my life, with a stranger was more like having coffee with a friend. I will definitely visit your Weathered blog daily for inspiration and comfort. Hugs to you, Shannon

    1. Hi, SHannon - Just saw your comment today on the 29th. I am looking forward to seeing you when I pick up my glasses. We are waiting for Joe's to some in before we come over.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...