Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Dentist, Shopping, and a Party to Look Forward To

Joe and I got our day off to an early start with an 8:00am dental appointment for Joe. My appointment is this Thursday. Our appointments are for establishing as new clients and for our semi-annual cleaning and check-up. Joe asked me to go along in case there were any snafus with our new insurance. It all went well.

While I was in the waiting room a woman came in with a boy of about ten. After he went back to see the dentist, she sat scribbling words onto a white business letter size envelope. As she wrote, I wondered if she was writing a poem. Or perhaps her grocery list, the plot for a novel, a To-Do list? I was almost inclined to ask her. I didn’t.

Equally I wondered about her relationship to the boy. Was he, her son? Grandson? Nephew? Was she, his Nanny? Maybe an Aunt?

Meanwhile when I wasn’t thinking about her, I was marveling at the dentist’s office. I took pictures so you can see what I saw. The décor was warm and inviting. The waiting room had comfortable chairs and plenty of floor space, so it did not feel cramped even when there were about five patrons at one point. People did not wait long to be called back to the treatment rooms.

I found myself smiling at the fall decorations on the reception counter. I was amused that I was smiling over decorations. Then I realized there was a sign on the counter that read “Smile.” I guess my subconscious saw the sign first. I especially liked the curved ceiling above the reception counter. It dawned on me that I see few curves in décor. I like curves. They soften the world.

From the dentist’s office (here in Rockford) we drove about a mile to the other end of Rockford to Tractor Supply. Joe wanted my opinion on a winter coat he had seen on sale there. After we bought the coat, we headed to Maple Grove to do our Costco and Cub shopping for this week.

By the time we got home from our shopping it was 12:30 pm. We put groceries away, ate lunch, and then I worked on questionnaires for our medical appointments next week. Again, nothing wrong – our appointments are annual physicals.

Time got away from me what with stretches, moist heating pad sessions, and a new treatment where I lay on a small hard spiky ball for my left hip for five minutes twice a day. The first time I was lying on the floor with the small ball beneath me, Megan came down to talk to me. She said when she got to the bottom of the stairs and saw me lying on the floor, she almost had a heart attack thinking I was dead.

Five minutes is a long time! While it is my right hip flexor that I am working on “fixing” I have a hard muscle on the left that needs to be worked out. I don’t feel it when I walk – only during the times I am being adjusted at the chiropractor.

I have got to tell you all these things I am doing are working. Yet, today I experienced more pain than I did yesterday. I recall a friend telling me that he belongs to a pain management support group that talked about how pain can be a sign of healing. The body is working its magic. I find though that the day speeds by in the 30-45 minutes between sessions of one self-care therapy or another.

This evening I cooked dinner. We had New York steak, parmesan fettucine, and a kale and cabbage salad. There was leftover steak and fettucine – enough for lunch tomorrow. Megan and Jeremy were off watching Caleb practice football. Caleb may even have had a scrimmage or a game.

Now the dishes are done, and I am going to try to watch a bit of Ghost Whisperer on Hulu. I saw where Moonlighting with Cybil Shepard and Bruce Willis is now available on Hulu. I tried to watch the pilot and found it ponderous. I will have to try to watch it when I’m in a different mindset. I loved the show when it originally aired.

Megan sent us an invitation to a Friday the 13th party in their living room at 8:00 pm on Friday. They will have some pre-Halloween candy goodies and be watching Haunted Mansion. Sounds fun!!

Do you have something fun you are looking forward to this week?



  1. I pressure canned 4 pints of Burrito in a Jar this morning.I've been selling extra Halloween costumes,wigs, etc. on a Woodland buying- selling site and a woman is coming around noon to buy the Elvira wig.Don't how fun it is ,but I'm volunteering at the Food Closet today. Going to The Hive Thursday to listen to Ray's band/dinner then going to be taking Tania,Ray,Angie and Dallas to the Opera House play of The Adams Family on Saturday night. Eloy plainly said ," no" to his invitation. LOL

    1. Nancy - You are an excellent role model for staying engaged in retirement. We have a food bank/closet here and I keep meaning to check into if they need volunteers. Thank you for that reminder! I'll bet if you are going out after the play, Eloy will join you. Joe always agrees to go and then 9 out of 10 times ends up fallng asleep. Our friend, Andy Hyun, acted in quite a few musicals in the region - Joe does manage to stay awake for those shows. WHat is burrito in a jar?


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...