Friday, October 27, 2023

Pretty (Scary) Pumpkins

I don’t think we got the snow that was expected. We were busy carving pumpkins during the time it was supposed to snow. It may have snowed and already melted; I wouldn’t know.

Tonight’s blog is a photo essay of family night pumpkin carving and painting. Megan, Jeremy, Caleb, and Charlotte carved their pumpkins. I opted to paint mine. Charlotte ended up with a combination carved and painted pumpkin.

Caleb's Pumpkin - looks fierce!

Charlotte opted to carve and paint side 1 of her pumpkin. This may be a cat!
Side 2 of Charlotte's pumpkin - notice the spider climbing on the pumpkin's nose. It should be noted that Charlotte HATES spiders.
The final work on Charlotte's pumpkin. Whatever it is - it looks pretty scary to me!

Megan and Jeremey were still working on their pumpkins and will finish them up on Sunday. I did catch them "in the act."

Megan carving away on a "complex" design of one of her favorite animals.
Jeremy helped the rest of the family with their carvings so got a late start on his own. 
Jeremy's almost done carving. He said he still had touching up to do but let me have a photo for the blog.

And finally, my four-sided painted pumpkin:

Joe opted to spend his evening reading and napping in our flat.

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