Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Acts of Kindness

Someone else already said it, really well. I love this reading. I enjoy finding these "aha" pieces. 

This reminds me of a podcast I listened to a while back about how important casual interactions are to our mental health. The concept became more prominent during COVID shelter-in-place times. Getting a coffee at Starbucks and having an exchange of pleasantries, greeting a cashier at McDonalds drive-thru, or taking a moment to chat with the checkout person at the grocery store could lift someone's spirits. I reminded myself of this numerous times when I was the person in line behind the person chatting. Cause you know, it is a busy world and I used to be a busy person! Why were they wasting my time? 

If retirement has done nothing else to improve my disposition, at least I am learning to emotionally allow other people to enjoy time for casual interactions.

If we can hold on to the random and small acts of kindness that we dole out and those we receive, it helps to remind us of how blessed we are by all the kindness that does exist. We might get inundated with news of wars, politics, court cases, and negativity in the world and begin to believe that everything is awful, everywhere.

We can make sure to balance the universe by extending kindness whenever the opportunity arises.


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