Monday, December 4, 2023

"This Christmas" Reflection


 (by Dawn Albert 11/30/2019)

The best gift I can give me is the reminder of this Christmas poem by Dawn Albert. Here we are coming to the end of 2023, my formal year of transformation. If I have a life mantra this poem comes closest to the actions I wanted to embrace. It’s quite the project!

I know I am making progress in healing the self-inflicted wounds I gained as I learned to dodge the arrows life has sent flying my way. At some point in this life journey, I stopped and asked myself why I was hanging on to someone else’s definition of me. Including my own definition of me.

I have grown more and more grateful for the stories that friends and families have shared of their own journeys to become the person they want to see in the mirror. Sometimes this has meant forgiveness. Other times it has meant walking away from the situation and the people involved. I don’t think there is a set answer. Don’t let anyone else (including me!) tell you there is only one way to speak your truth or your love.

Working on me is like the laundry – it is done for the day and tomorrow there will be more to do. The work is never complete.

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