Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve 2023

Today was gift opening day here at the Cook-Formo home. Caleb and Charlotte were ecstatic with the gifts they received. It was decided they would open their gifts, all from family as Santa doesn’t come until later tonight or early in the morning, this morning so they would have the day to play with any toys they received.

I took photos and enjoyed listening to everyone open their gifts. Some of the highlights are included in the photos below:

Caleb unwrapping a LEGO gift. He loves building with Legos.

Charlotte's very first gift she opened It was a video - not sure if it was a game or movie.
I just know she absolutely loved it!

More gifts of the building kind! 

I do not know what they are thinking (Jeremy and Megan) giving this kid
a chemistry set. Yes, she asked for it! She loves science.  

Megan and Pan watching the kids unwrap presents. One of her gifts from Jeremy
was a smart watch. 
Jeremy received several t-shirts this year. This one was my favorite.
We all need this t-shirt.

Vikings jersey for Megan. She said there was a player named Cook who is playing for someone else now. She also got a Vikings hat but I did not get a photo.

The very best gifts are those our children make us! Charlotte made a Christmas ornament at school
for her dad.

Charlotte also gave her dad and Megan a Christmas card. It took me a minute to
figure out what it says: "Hi daddy- I love you so much. it is amazing to be a kid. I have lots of fun! Then she drew two different smiley faces. The animals drawing at the bottom are of a cat with an x (crossed out) as Jeremy does not like cats. Below is a picture of a dog with a check mark on it because Jeremy likes dogs. 

Megan's card from Charlotte reads: "Hi Megan - Merry Christmas! I love how you treat me graet. If you treat me bad I will get mad. Love Charlotte" Not sure of what the first animal is. The second is a raccoon. 
Megan posted this photo of Caleb, Pan, and Charlotte on Facebook last night. 
I have not seen the family photo yet.

Caleb and Charlotte gifted Joe a travel chess and checkerboard set. It is magnetized and can be rolled up and stored with game pieces intact. They gave me a 6-pack of gum (30 pieces per pack). 

We ate our holiday meal this evening. Joe and I baked cheesy scalloped potatoes, Jeremy prepared and baked a spiral cut ham with the bone-in and steamed broccoli. Add to that edamame, dinner rolls, and a green salad and we were all stuffed. We are taking a break and will have sugar cookies and baklava for dessert a bit later this evening.

Megan spent the day decorating cookies for us to eat today and also for the Cook-Formo family to take to another holiday celebration on December 30th.

We are blessed.

Merry Christmas!


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...