Saturday, December 23, 2023

Eve of Christmas Eve

It is lovely to see the baked goods on Facebook. Pretty sugar cookies. Joe made Baklava today. Charlotte and Caleb helped Joe while Jeremy and I watched. Megan baked sugar cookies for a Formo family holiday celebration on December 30th out of town. 

Right now Megan and her family are setting up for their annual family photo in front of their tree. They have the same pajamas this year. Caleb has a new pair and Charlotte is wearing Caleb's 2022 pajamas. Pan and Rufio are included in the photo. The dogs get treats to help keep them motivated for photos. When our kids were growing up it was hard enough to get the kids to pose let alone adding dogs.

Which explains why Megan at age six is rolling her eyes in our last official family photo. It was the only photo where the other four of us looked good. 

Tomorrow night we will open gifts. Except the gifts that Santa brings. Santa gifts are opened when the kids come back from their mom's house later in the week. I am looking forward to watching the kids open their gits.

Here are Megan's photos from the past two years. I will post the 2023 photo after she has a chance to share it with her family and friends.

2022 Family Photo
(Front: Rufio, Caleb, Charlotte, Pan,
Back: Jeremy, Megan)

2021 Family Photo
(Front: Rufio, Charlotte, Caleb, Pan,
Back: Jeremy, Megan)

And, yes, the dogs are wearing matching pajamas. 

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