Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

We enjoyed a day of rest and reflection. Joe watched YouTube videos on religion and then on machining (to my knowledge there are no machining/religion combined videos).

I am reading Stephen King's Fairy Tales. I also managed a short nap before dinner. We went leftovers from yesterday's dinner. Grilled ham and cheese on sourdough and a salad.

We exchanged texts with friends from around the country. One friend from California wrote that he is currently in Lisbon, Portugal. That means we were chatting with friends from around the world. I enjoyed seeing friends’ posts of their Christmas festivities on Facebook. 

Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of the Weathered blog. My goal was to write daily for one year. I had a few days when I just checked in and noted there would not be a blog for the day. Still, there are 369 entries for the year when you count today. During our travels I did extra posts with photos. For now, I will continue to check in daily. I have come to think of the blog as a place for friends and family to check in when it is convenient for them. A kind of safe place. It may also be a sleep remedy. The only side-effects are yawns.

If you have any ideas, you would be interested in reading my opinion on - just drop me a text. 

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