Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Dealing with Regrets

I have been known to say that I have no regrets in my life. Not specific regrets anyway. Not the kind of regret where I made a choice that ended up as an unwise decision. Do I wish I had been more mindful at times? Sure. Other than that, there is nothing I wanted to go back in time and do over. In my mind, life is a journey. I learned something useful from every decision, good or bad. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

This does not mean I am perfect. Please. It means that I think dwelling and looking for regrets is counterproductive.

One thing about parenthood though is that none of us are perfect. Not too long-ago Megan shared an incident from her childhood that she interpreted to mean there was something wrong with her. I was befuddled at first, until I realized I never had a conversation with eight-year-old Megan about the situation. I just took what I thought was a positive action. During our recent conversation I felt regret that I had not been clearer at the time this was all happening. Regret because a simple explanation at the time would have helped her allay anxiety.

The other day I came across these words and they made me rethink the concept of regret.

The grace these Syanna Wand words hold, for the person we hurt and for ourselves, is powerful to me.

I plan to etch these words in my heart and find peace in knowing that I can learn to hold regret tenderly.


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