Thursday, December 21, 2023

There is no Money to Be Made Here


Made me smile. And gives me permission to continue to write my daily blog with all the transparency I can without violating other people's trust.

I have no secrets of my own and sometimes I want to write about something weighing on my mind and heart and I find, what feels to me, a convoluted way to get my thoughts down without violating trust.

Ah. But this is not about trust today.

This is about singing off-key but still choosing to sing. Off-key or not, singing always makes me feel happy. Tonight, at dinner, Caleb announced he was practicing on homemade drums because he wants to start a band. I asked if he had drum lessons and he responded with a no and the explanation that he has started practicing. I love this. He wants to play drums, so he made homemade drums and is practicing.

I love that kind of thinking in people of all ages.

Over the past couple of weeks, Charlotte has invented a new game to play with me. She has gone from charades (without cards, she tells me) to acting out jobs that people perform. Tonight, I sat spellbound as she acted one character for ten minutes. She does not use her voice, so it is a form of mime. Tonight, the character was a Chef. I usually do not guess right away as most of her one-act plays begin with the character jumping out of bed and realizing they are late for work. So, they rush through eating and dressing. Today’s character put on glasses, so I guessed it was Grandpa Joe. Nope. Nine or so minutes later I had to admit I did not know and then she unveiled the chef answer. All of this to say Charlotte loves to move her body and, after a day at school, role playing gives her an opportunity to move around and act out any tension she harbors.

In my spare time I play at psychology. I recognize psychology is not an official ‘artistic’ field, though I think it is an art form. Just so you know I am aware I do the ‘psychology’ thing badly.

I am not monetizing my writing, my arm-chair psychology, or for that matter anything these days. I am enjoying not being a product.

Several people have asked me why I am not writing a book. This is as good a reason as any: I would rather live with the joy of writing and love the time spent creating this blog than to write for money.


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