Friday, December 22, 2023

Grumpy Pants

The plant Joe works at is closed until January 2, 2024. He is very excited to have time off. Tomorrow we will make baklava with the grandkids. They will also be decorating sugar cookies with Megan.

Today was our shopping and errand day. Then I began working on a tax review for 2023 to verify if we need another estimated tax payment. We do not.

Still, I am a bit cranky as I have not had much down time today and it is so close to Christmas. Even though I have wrapped all the gifts we are giving, mailed out others, and I am officially done with anymore gift buying, I feel as if I am forgetting something. I created a list and checked it twice. I do not seem to be missing anything. Well, maybe a few brain cells.

All of this to say, I am cutting my writing short today and going to take time for a snack and to read a book.

Merry Christmas!

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