Thursday, December 14, 2023

Warning (Contains the F Word)

I try to keep my blog PG-rated but the above meme has been sitting in my future blog folder and was calling out to be used. Sometimes things strike me as laugh-out-loud funny. This was one of those things.

Other than taking Joe to work and picking him up this evening, I got out of the house to go to the library. I felt like I won the lottery when I found new books on the shelves by Laurie R. King, Stephen King, and Kristan Higgins. I picked up Ken Follet's, "The Armour of Light" for Joe. We are both happy that we have books to read this weekend.

At 2:30 pm when I went to the library it was 51 degrees outside. There is a 70% chance of rain tomorrow, not cold enough to turn it to snow. Predictions are that we will have a brown Christmas.

Joe is finding his rhythm in his new job. On a quiet day he walks 14,000 steps during his 12-hour work day. Most days are between 20,000 and 22,000 steps. 

I watched a new Apple TV Show this week, Last Thing He Told Me with Jennifer Garner. I enjoyed the show. I am sad that Lessons in Chemistry is over. Both of these shows seem to tie up in the last show of their first season. I do not know if a second season is planned. Both shows though have excellent female characters. Strong, smart, and believable characters. Just like in real life! 

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Words Matter

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