Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Peter Pan (The Canine Version) Turns Eight

Peter Pan (aka Pan, and Pan Man) on his first day with Megan - Rescued 12.26.2016
Freshly bathed.

Charlotte, Pan, and Caleb February 2022 

Charlotte, Pan, and Caleb celebrating Pan's seventh birthday December 2022.

Pan and Caleb September 28, 2023

Yesterday marked Pan’s eighth birthday. Today Caleb and Charlotte are helping to bake Pan a cake. We did a mini-celebration last night when Pan got to eat a whole banana and have extra treats as a birthday gift.

Seven years ago on a cold, wet day (December 26, 2016) Megan and I drove to Red Bluff, California to pick up a one-year old dog that desperately needed a home. When we drove into the yard, we saw him chained up to a tree. Pan had belonged to an elderly man who had recently passed away. The family could not afford to feed Pan and had other animals they kept inside their home. There was not room for one more mouth or body in the home. Megan’s experience with dogs allowed her to quickly assess the situation. When Pan was left off the chain, he ran zoomies around the yard (unfenced), then he came closer as Megan had brought food. She was able to eventually get him to eat from her hand (gently) and when she coaxed him into the back seat of our car, he gladly came with us.

During the several hour drive, Pan laid quietly in the back seat. The trust he had in us touched me deeply. 

We brought him home, Megan bathed him, and the rest is history. He loves his family. We love him.

Pan has a very special bond with Grandpa Joe. 

Over the years they have taken countless naps together. This fall I caught the two of them doting on each other as Joe settled in for the night. 

Happy Birthday, Pan!

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