Saturday, December 2, 2023

Wrapping Up

Today was the Girl Scout craft fair as part of the Crow River Christmas event. The crafts are made by the troop members and sold at this event to other girl scouts and children in the community for Christmas gift giving. Megan was busy as she had her troop sales table, and she was running the silent auction for the council. Her co-leader ended up with COVID so Charlotte and Caleb's mom, Shanna, stepped in to help at the table.

Megan filling Shanna in on table sales details before heading off to Silent Auction

Older Girl Scouts took the younger children around and helped them shop for gifts. The shoppers could gift wrap their purchases at some of the sale tables. I volunteered at the gift-wrapping table. The Girl Scout volunteers brought their young shoppers to gift wrap what they couldn't wrap elsewhere. Other volunteers were supposed to be at the table with me; however, they didn't show. It worked out just fine as most of the youngsters appeared to enjoy wrapping gifts for themselves and the older Girl Scouts helped their youngest charges wrap. I helped by cutting paper to size or selecting a gift bag and helping them wrap their gift in tissue before they tucked them in the bag and made their own gift tag.

As a follow-up to yesterday’s blog, one of my cousins commented on how Wayne became disabled:

My Dad always told us that when Wayne was about 3 yrs. old he was playing with one of those paddle ball toys and the little red ball somehow was pulled off and Wayne put it in his mouth and got it hung in his throat but by the time they got him to the hospital it was significant enough that it damaged his brain. The doctors wanted them to put him in an institution.

My Uncle Paul’s obituary was published today. Here is the link:

Also, a comment was made on yesterday’s blog that I left Ohio in 1974 and not 1994 as I had originally posted. I fixed that as well. If taking twenty years off my age was as easy as writing a number, I’d be in 2004 right now!

In other family news, this time the Hudkin’s (my mom’s) side. My cousin Dean Lorentz’s oldest son, Caleb, was married today. Here are a few photos I ‘borrowed’ from Facebook taken after the wedding:

Front: Bride Jimi
Back: Dean, Caleb, Jennifer (Caleb's mom and Dean's wife)

Judy Lorentz with three of her Grandchildren
Mackenzie, Aaron, and Caleb Lorentz (CHildren of Dean & Jennifer Lorentz)

That should "wrap up" our day

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