Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Be Brave Enough


When I first read this meme, I wondered if I have ever thought about doing something new and thinking I might be bad at it. I mean I usually try most anything that is related to thinking or an activity where I can use my brain. An example is when I started writing a daily blog at the end of 2022. My belief was that with practice I would become a better writer. And if not, at least I could satisfy my strong ‘need’ to write.

The limitations I put on myself are physical. I would like to get back to running; however, I feel I need to lose more weight to run safely. Jumping out of an airplane is the closest to having a fear I might be “bad” at it. It is not like I get a second chance to get better at jumping out of a plane if I die the first time. I call that sanity.

I am glad I have not had to live my life in fear of failure. Though it is my understanding from reading over the years that my “perfectionist” streak is a fear of failure. “Bad” does not equate to “failure” in my mind. Failure is more than doing something badly. Failure can be accomplished by doing nothing when we should be doing something.

I am beginning to think I am bad at following the Whole Body Reset program. I am accomplishing more activity. I am eating healthy 95% of the time. If I were measuring weight loss, I would be a failure. If I measure my increased energy levels, that my pants are a bit looser, and the overall improvement in my cholesterol level the program is working well. I will keep it up because I believe consistency every single day is the key to success at most things.

Our family never talked about what we could not do. My father was told he would never walk again after his construction accident in 1966. He did. He had an unusual walk, but he walked, and he danced! My dad loved to Polka and did it as often as he could before becoming wheelchair bound in 1984 (he had a stroke during a surgical procedure that left one side of his body numb). Even in the wheelchair he found meaning to his life by repairing reels. As an avid angler, fixing reels allowed dad to still be close to the sport.

 So why then do I love this meme? It reminds me to support others when they are trying something new, to give them the grace and space to improve. It reminds me not to expect perfection from someone else because it may be their first time at the task or activity. It reminds me to measure bravery can be as simple as showing up and attempting whatever it is.

Be brave enough to be bad at something new. And be kind enough to not judge others.

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