What was the first major historical event you remember witnessing?
The first major historical event I remember witnessing was
the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I was a second grader at Slocum
Elementary in Defiance, Ohio. I remember hearing that the president had been assassinated.
I remember all the students going outside and watching the flag at our school
as it was lowered to half-mast. I remember wondering if John F. Kennedy would
be with my Grandpa Hudkins in heaven.
John F. Kennedy’s cortege left the White House, November 1963.
John Loengard The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock
In my second-grade mind, dead people could see people on
earth. Since I spent quite a bit of time that year sitting in the corner, under
the American Flag, I was convinced that the stars on the flag were a way for
the people in heaven (also known as Angels) to look down and see me sitting in
the corner. It was traumatizing. I was especially worried that the president
would now be able to witness my shame at being in the corner.
I do not recall my behaviors that resulted in my corner
time. I did not have troubles in kindergarten or first grade nor all the way
through to high school. The only time I do recall why I was in the corner was
not for something I did. Of course, I would remember the incident that was an “injustice.”
The injustice happened because my little sister (Jeni would have been three
years old) had torn a page in my book. My mother had written a note to Mrs. A
to let her know. However, the letter that had been tucked into the book had
fallen out on the floor while we were taking off our snow boots in the hallway before
class started.
Mrs. A. saw the torn page in my book, grabbed my arm, and hauled
me to the corner with a stern lecture on being irresponsible with school
property. I told her there was a letter from my mom and that my little sister
had done it. Eventually another teacher found the letter in the boot storage
area and brought it to Mrs. A. I was freed from the corner. It was too late
though. Mrs. A. had established herself as wicked in my seven-year-old mind.
Eventually sister Jeni had Mrs. A as her teacher and she loved
her. Which sealed Mrs. A’s fate as the worst teacher ever in my mind. My bratty
sister who tore the book was the apple of Mrs. A’s eye. Ha! Proof that Mrs. A
was a witch!
Back on topic. I remember watching John F. Kennedy’s casket
parade on our small black and white television. We may even have had the day
off school.
I think if my daughter were asked this question, she would respond
with 9/11when she was nine years old.
What was the first major historical event you remembered witnessing?
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