Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Post-Holiday Groove

Joe went back to work this morning so no lollygagging in bed. Up at 6:05am to eat a protein and fiber friendly breakfast before driving him to work.

Then home to do 30 minutes of Chair Yoga and get in my minimum of five thousand steps for the day. Caught up on my banking. Read more of The Whole Body Reset book. Add in a bit of housekeeping and now I have the entire day before me to do whatever I want. This could be a suitable time to start a hobby.

Charlotte got a knitting machine for Christmas – I ought to ask Megan if I can work with it. That way when I go to ‘teach’ Charlotte I will know what I am doing.

Today’s moment of joy occurred when I finished my Yoga and started my indoor walking. I realized that while I was a bit tired from the Yoga, I also felt energized and so I kept doing laps until I was too tired to continue. Imagine my surprise to see that I had in over 1200 steps instead of my usual 500 to 600 steps each time I do the circuit during the day. It felt amazing to be able to move pain-free and to have energy.

I ordered a Delve Deck of Conversation Cards for our family. I am looking forward to checking them out and using them! I plan to introduce them for dinner topics, though we do not seem to have too much trouble with conversations, and for blog prompts.

A sampling of the questions shown in advertisements include:

               What do you wish you didn’t care about? (Me: Other people’s opinions).

               What sound instantly stresses you out? (Me: The Amber alert sound).

               What seemed harmless to you as a kid that you now look back on in horror? (Playing baseball with my brothers in Jewel, Ohio and breaking the kitchen window regularly. It got so regular my parents just taped plastic over the window. At the time I was 10 and 11 years old so Kenny was 9 and 10 and Jeff 4 and 5. Our family did not have money for windows. The total lack of regard floors me. Also, as much glass as we broke, and my propensity for going barefoot it is a wonder, I did not spend time picking glass out of my feet. God or the universe surely protects fools).

               What’s your favorite weird smell? (Paste).

What popular junk food has no appeal for you? (French Fries).

There are two hundred questions. I think it will be interesting to pick one on the nights the grandkids are here for dinner and see how we all do.

If you were going to answer the above questions, what would you discover about yourself?

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