Friday, January 12, 2024

These Boots Were Made For Walking (And Other Stuff)

I have winter boots! Just in time for all the sub-zero weather anticipated in the coming days. It is hard to tell if there will be more snow. Lots of storms around the United States. Here, it is simply cold. We went out to do our grocery shopping this morning and my ears almost froze even with my hood up.

At Costco I did fine walking through the store in my heavy winter jacket, my boots had not arrived yet, I was comfortable. When we went to Cub though I got so hot my clothes were damp from sweating (oh wait, that was my glow) and I could not get out of the store quickly enough. 

Last night I had my first car accident in over twenty-five years. The neighbors across the street have a caretaker for their teenage son on the autism spectrum. She parks her car in front of their house, and we are aware of that. When I get in our car I look to see if she is there. Last night it did not register, and I did not see her car in my backup camera, and it was in my blind spot when I looked over my shoulder. It was not until I heard the crunch - I did not feel an impact - just heard a crunch.

I was on my way to get Joe so I called Jeremy and asked him to go to the neighbors and tell them I would be right back with my insurance information. (If it were summer, I would have stayed, but at 6:50pm it was dark and it was 7 degrees outside). Jeremy said they were nice and understood.

When we got back to the house, I immediately talked to the car owner. She was gracious, reassuring me that, "It happens!" Her 2014 Toyota Corolla driver's door was completely crinkled in. My car has paint scratch on the back right panel just above the bumper. It was the bumper on my car that absorbed the impact which I guess is why I did not feel the impact, only heard it. I am grateful that Subaru makes durable vehicles.

Jeremy shared with me later that the car owner had told him she parks on the street. She used to park in the driveway until the homeowner backed into her car because she could not see it. The car is white, and it blends well with the snow. 

Other than my ego, everyone is okay. The other car was drivable, and she was going to get into her car from the passenger side until she could get to a body shop. She was concerned about opening the door and then not being able to close it. Sort of need a car door to drive.

I am on day 14 of eating my meals with a minimum of 25 grams of protein and at least 5 grams of fiber with each meal plus one snack a day with 7+ grams of protein and 2+ grams of fiber. I had already been shooting for 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day as helps reduce cholesterol levels. The author of the book The Whole Body Reset stated that people usually feel the results in two weeks. I have more energy, apart from yesterday which I attribute to the Shingrix vaccine,

I am also on day twelve of 30+ minutes of Yoga (Chair) each morning plus walking at least 5000 steps each day. I love Yoga because after I begin practicing it, the stretches always leave me feeling taller than when I started. At 5' 2" I can use all the height I can get!

To go with Joy as my word of the year, I have decided I need a mantra for those moments when I want to choose healthy over unhealthy. It is this: "Doing this task is hard; being unhealthy is harder." When I got to Cub, after walking through Costco, I had a moment when I thought, "I'll sit in the car and wait while Joe shops." I realized though that getting more steps at Cub and helping Joe shop was more important to me and for my health. I went in and helped.

On our way home, I shared with Joe about the challenge I have in front of me to do what my body needs to stay healthy as I age. I told him I needed something short and sweet to tell my brain to keep me moving and making healthy choices. 

We also talked about the difference between the meaning of ‘mindful' and 'hard'. He suggested I change my mantra to "Be mindful about exercise and food." I told him that mindfulness does not acknowledge the difficulty part and that is why I needed to have a reminder of the consequences of my behaviors and choices. 

My joyful moment for today happened with Joe totally supported this open discussion with no judgement or unwanted advice. I love talking to Joe.

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