Thursday, February 15, 2024

Snowy Sweet Days

We ended up with quite a bit of snow on the ground from the storm that came through yesterday. The view out of our living room this morning:

I especially love the snow on the tree branches. The wind was blowing the snow up and into the air - it looked magical. 

Joe is feeling much better than two days ago. Taking the time to rest when his symptoms first hit has helped him recover quicker than in past bouts of a head cold. Before retirement he would have still gone into work and the cold would have lasted weeks. Self-Care wins the day. Two more weeks and he will once again be fully retired. No worries, he will find plenty to do. Maybe go back to walking Pan five to six miles a day. 

We went out to a local computer repair shop late this morning as Joe had questions about internet difficulties he has been experiencing. His laptop is eleven years old and will not support Windows 11. Rod, a veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, is the owner of Techwarrior Technologies. He was a tank guy in the Army. The slogan on their website reads, “We have the weapons to fight your technology battles.”  The store looks like it opened in about 2015. He helped Joe tweak internet settings and suggested that his laptop was still in great shape. One program that Joe has been wanting to download he thought needed Windows 11 to work. Rod went to the software site and showed Joe where there was a Windows 10 version. It was a good interaction and experience with a local service/store owner. When we are ready to buy Joe a new laptop, we will go back to have him order one and get it up and running for Joe.

My cousin, Eleanor, and I spent an hour virtual chatting this afternoon. I enjoy catching up with her. We try to connect once a month.

Did you make Valentine boxes when you were in grade school? I remember making either a box or decorating a paper bag back in the 1960’s. Caleb and Charlotte decorated their boxes at home to take to school earlier this week. It is cool to see that the box decorating tradition continues all these years later! 

Caleb's Box

Charlotte's Box

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Words Matter

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