Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Inspection Reports - Light Reading

I spent my day reviewing inspection reports. The inspection reports for the home we are selling and the home we are buying.

Selling a home in California and buying one in Minnesota are different experiences. One is not better, just different. In California there is a pest inspection, a hazard inspection, and a home inspection. In Minnesota there is only a home inspection. Termites are rare here. They all moved to the warmer states with the snowbirds.

Reading the reports, making notes, and following up kept me so occupied for over half the day that I told Joe, “This is like having a job!” It was not a complaint, just an observation. I have a good understanding of the comments by the inspectors now. The house in Woodland is seventy-three years old on the original eight hundred square feet and the addition is thirty-one years old. Our house is in fine shape for its age. Most of the items are normal wear and tear. We will have a few things to take care of. Joe wishes he were there fix them. If the cost of a plane ticket is cheaper than the repairs, he may still do that.

The house we are buying is thirty-five years old, a baby in comparison to the California home. Most findings there are normal wear and tear. Joe looks at much of the inspection report as his “things to do” list after we move in.

My reaction to both reports initially – anxiety. Once I sat down and read the reports, line by line, I was able to work through the anxiety. Once that happened, I was grateful to have the reports. Fresh and critical eyes help to make sure both the buyer and the seller are protected. I want our buyer to feel safe and as excited about moving into the Woodland house as I feel about moving into the Saint Michael house.

This experience also brings home to me that I am not in control of any part of this process. We must rely on other people (agents, inspectors, the person buying or selling, and lenders). We recognize that each of them is doing their best to be fair and to do their job in the best way possible. Once I remind myself of this simple idea, I can breathe and let it go.

I have an enhanced respect for real estate agents. A good one is worth their weight in gold. Susan Bovey in California and Anne Monroe in Minnesota are gems. I deeply appreciate both of them for their advice, their work to keep things moving and on track, and their resilience in dealing with my questions.

My joyful moment for today is that we are leaving shortly to go to see Caleb’s class perform in a concert. I love listening to his class perform.

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