Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Dentists, Utility Companies, and Virtual Chats, Oh My!

Dentist day! No cavities or gum issues. The dentist teased me that I was not helping his business at all. I told him I loved foiling dentists. He laughed and said he would eventually find something.

The hygienist, Jenna, was as gentle as the first time I saw her in October. I think she must jot notes about my visit as she asked if we had found a house, asked after my daughter and grandchildren, and asked if we were going to do another trip around the states this year. She shared with me that she is going to Germany at the end of September for Oktoberfest. Her children will stay at home with their two children, four and one years old, while she goes with her brother, sister-in-law, and parents. Her husband could not get the time off from his job and encouraged her to go without him.

We drove up to Rogers this evening to pick up a 4-drawer black cabinet file for Joe’s office. The nice owners threw in a few freebies including a large wire fish yard sculpture I admired. They are selling their home and moving to an apartment so are trying to sell everything except for a few pieces of furniture. She opened her garage door and invited me to pre-shop. It was mostly kitchen and housewares. We already have thirty-nine boxes of varying sizes of kitchen items to unpack. I looked though and bought, for $10.00, a Pampered Chef Stoneware Muffin Pan that had never been used. When I came home, I looked up the piece to find information on it and discovered they sell new for $108.00 at Amazon. Wow! That was surprising. Now I feel like I won the lottery.

Earlier in the day I enjoyed a virtual visit with my cousin, Eleanor. I enjoyed catching up with her. Time flew while we chatted away. Meanwhile, Joe was in the background ‘noisily’ taking apart the futon. That didn’t keep us from chatting.

I spent the rest of the afternoon changing over the utilities to our names effective on Friday. Gas and electricity are with separate providers. The recycling service is on the water bill. The garbage utility is still left to change. Saint Michael has five (5) garbage companies to choose from. I have no clue the advantages or disadvantages or costs of each. I thought I’d try to find out the provider used by the current tenants. Waste Management is one of the five, they also provide the recycling that is billed on the water bill; however, they checked their records and do not currently service the address. I may end up going with Waste Management though because we had them in Woodland. The Internet service was set up a few weeks ago to go into effect on Friday.

Tomorrow afternoon at 5:00pm we will do the final walk through. In addition to the walk through, the owners have agreed to meet with us to discuss and answer questions on appliances and maintenance programs in the house. We are so happy they agreed to do this with us.

Thirty-eight and a half hours left until we close on the house! The number posted yesterday had one day too many in the hours.



Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...