Saturday, April 6, 2024

Lost and Found

Pan and Rufio (photo courtesy of Megan's Facebook)

Joe and I came home from dining out this evening and Pan was not at the door to greet us. This is highly unusual. When we called his name – no response. I sat outside with Rufio while Joe combed each floor looking for Pan. No barking. Complete silence, No Pan.

I was getting a bit frantic. Pan and Rufio wear special collars to keep them within the fenced area. It was doubtful he could have run off even IF (and it would be a huge IF) we had only thought we brought him indoors before we left.

We were positive they were both in though because Joe had walked Pan for forty-five minutes and left Rufio outdoors during that time to bask in the sun during their walk. HE brought them in right before we left for dinner.

 I had so many thoughts going through my mind – a few of them unpleasant. Thoughts like:

 Someone came into the house and kidnapped or hurt Pan. They would leave Rufio behind as he would let them steal anything and everything if they stopped to pet him and tell him he was a good boy. They could skip the good boy if they talked to him in an excited and sweet voice.

Megan and Jeremy came home from their trip out of town for the day, found Pan injured and rushed him to the pet hospital.

I texted Megan, explaining we could not find Pan, and asking if he had any favorite hiding places.

Meanwhile, Joe searched the backyard. He came in and searched every room in the house again, this time he searched the bathrooms on the top floor. Pan had shut himself in Megan and Jeremy’s bathroom. I knew of course that Pan was found because he came galloping down to the main floor, I heard him before I saw him, and launched himself at me for kisses and pets.

I hurriedly wrote to Megan to let her know what happened. She responded, “We have had that panic though too, especially in such a big house. And he for sure has locked himself in weird places.”

Which made me feel better, knowing this is something that has happened on someone else’s watch as well.

Pan thinks he is Houdini. No remorse. It is over. He was found, all is good in his world.

Grandma and Grandpa’s heartrates have returned to normal.

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