Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Fictional Characters as Influencers?

We had our first dinner guests this evening. Anne, our real estate agent, and her husband, Derrick. We enjoyed spending time with them.

The construction company came in this morning, in the rain, to finish the wall work. Our yard no longer exists. We now have mostly mud and bare earth. Joe has quite a bit of work to do to get the yard we want. You can bet it will be minimal grass.

A few storms moved through today. The last one while we were eating dinner, was particularly ‘stormy.’ At one point the entire dining room seemed full of lightning. It was pretty but also a bit scary. It was soft lightning, not a bolt.

My friend, Marjorie, wrote a piece today on fictional characters that influenced her. She had ten. I really wish she hadn’t used a picture that reminded me of Pippi Longstocking with the blog. I expected to see Pippi on her list. Nope.

The irony is Pippi would definitely be on my list. Pippi didn’t care what people thought of her actions or her words. She dressed outrageously as if to say either she did not care about fashion or that she deeply cared about not taking fashion too seriously. Pippi was fiercely independent. She had adventures without much adult supervision. She lived with a monkey and a horse and loved to tell stories. I wanted to be just like her. I have the fashion sense and the love of story telling down. Thank you, Pippi.

I am not sure I can produce nine other fictional characters. I read a lot of books and loved many of the characters and yet to say one influenced me is difficult. I will sleep on it for a few days or weeks to say if others begin to pop into my brain.

Meanwhile, here is a link to Marjorie’s piece on Substack. ten-influential-fictional-characters-who-shaped-me

Can you name ten fictional characters who have influenced you?


  1. Ah. That's right! Now I remember Pippi. Thanks. She probably made me feel I was okay a bit too. Although I didn't really start to feel okay until I was approaching my 30s. Thanks for offering the link to your readers. I hope they stop by. Its free.

    1. I hope they stop by your link as well and subscribe for free. You are doing a terrific service for other writers and for readers as well.


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