Monday, May 20, 2024

The View From Our Dining Room This Morning

I was awakened at 6:30am by the sounds of heavy equipment in the neighborhood. We had received a text last night that block would be delivered this morning. When I first heard the sounds, I thought it was a truck delivering the block for the replacement of two of our retaining walls. We were surprised to discover that construction equipment was also delivered.

By the time I got my lazy bones out of bed, dressed, and down the stairs for a cup of coffee the work was in full mode outside our dining room window. I took photos throughout the day of what I could see from our dining room and sunroom windows. The two-man crew has been working all day in the hopes they can get it done today. It is now 7:00pm and they either took a break for dinner or have finished as it is noticeably quiet.

The crew removing retaining wall #1

Joe digging up plants for transplanting while the crew works on the other side
of the house to remove one of the two retaining walls to be replaced.

Digging out the old wall foundation.

Tearing out the wall.

All done with the demolition part.
Installing new wall in the back. To keep from harming
trees, the new wall at the back of the property is installed in front of the old wall.
The white is the new wall material.
The wall in the foreground of the photo will not be redone as it
is still in good shape. 

We were able to get the address changed on our drivers’ licenses and car registration today. We had been waiting for at least two documents with both our names at the new address. It only took thirty days.

I wanted to share a cute text I got today from my friend Sabrina. A definite laugh out loud moment in my day.

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