Thursday, May 2, 2024

Relocating for Five Days

Our morning was spent packing to spend the next five days at Megan and Jeremy’s house with Pan. In addition to our clothes, pillows, and food we packed up Alto’s ‘stuff’ as well. Then we had a few hours of quiet time where I was able to catch up on a favorite Podcast, Happy Hour with Ruth & Roxy.

We drove Jeremy and Megan to the airport this afternoon, went back to Saint Michael and loaded up the car, and then got to Megan’s around 5:00pm. Pan was happy to see us! The previous owners of our new home never had a pet, so we had decided it was better to keep Pan at his home where he knows the rules and lay of the land. Alto will get the tun of the basement and be fine here.

Joe is taking Pan for a walk while I catch up on paperwork and write.

It is a bit uncomfortable physically to type tonight. Last night I broke a glass and sliced my right wrist with the broken shards. The slice is on the left corner of the inside of my wrist where the wrist bends. It is fine until I bump it. I bump it frequently while typing. You could say I am bleeding for my craft. Or not.

The next five days will be a break from setting up our new home. I have given myself permission to “let it be.” The work for me is deciding which art piece goes where in the house. That project feels overwhelming, and I am hoping this time at Megan’s will allow me to step back and look at everything with fresh eyes next week.

Joe has the basement area to unpack, he says it is mostly his books. Mostly, like in about ten boxes. Lots of machining and welding “how to” books. Fortunately, his area has two large closets with shelves. We may still buy a bookcase. He also has artwork that he has traditionally hung in his “man cave.” Like the poster he made in the 1960’s with a clenched red fist on tractor fed computer paper, or a piece of art his son, Nate, made in grade school that we call “Nate’s Rage.” This is a favorite piece of both of ours. It is quite creative. When Joe talked to Nate about it at the time, Nate told him he was angry about doing it, so he just threw pieces of cut out paper he colored in dark colors, string, and crayon on the paper. We framed it.

Someday photos will be forthcoming. While we are making progress, everything still feels a little unfinished. Maybe it will still feel that way months or even years from now.

Tomorrow we are excited to attend Charlotte’s second grade classes’ Grandparents Day. Charlotte will have five grandparents in attendance. 

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